Having a good friendship can be the key to happiness. 

Being surrounded by people who genuinely care and support you can be integral to your wellbeing. However, whilst you may have a large social network, what makes a good friend?  

Throughout the course of my life, I have witnessed many friends come and go. Like passengers on a train, they get on at one station and leave when they reach their destination. Some are still on the train with me and I wonder how long our journey will last. 

Sign of a good friendship

Our friendships are bound by choice. Unlike our families, we get to choose who we wish to have in our lives as our friend. We are also fortunate to choose who we stay away from. 😜

I have always been attracted to people who enable me to be my true authentic self. I am at ease with those who share the same values as I. Individuals who are loyal, kind, trustworthy, supportive and fun! Friendships are based on deep connections of understanding, patience and genuine care for each other. 

To be a good friend, you don’t have to be present every day. Some of my closest friends live 3000 miles away and I haven’t seen them in years. However, they are the ones I turn to in my hour of need or when I need support because I know and trust that they will have my back and they always do!

Friend clear-out 

Sometimes we need to have a friend clear out, in the nicest possible way of course!

Whilst we would love to have a big bunch of perfect friends, in reality that is not always the case. As we evolve, so do our friendships. If you feel that your energy is consumed by a friend who is toxic, then it maybe time for you to ask yourself whether you want to continue being friends?

It is important not to attract negative energy in to your life. Sometimes we can invite friends in to our life who weigh us down.  Their toxicity can drain our energy and often leave us feeling depleted and often without reason. If this is the case, then you need to reflect and see whether the friendship is beneficial for your mental wellbeing! It is ok to drift apart nicely!


Surround yourself with friends who lift you up, make you laugh and will lend a shoulder when you need it. Those that listen to you and are by your side when you need them the most. Friends who will have the courage to tell you when you are wrong and stand by your side when you are right. Friends are a gift, a blessing and we should not take them for granted!





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