A conscious parent – would you dare to be different?
Imagine a blissful parenting experience in which you feel at peace with your children. Imagine a happy home environment with no slamming doors, arguments or tantrums. How would you feel?
“You are kidding right”?!
“You are insane woman, it’s not possible, have you met my children”?
I have heard it all before but I am here to tell you that it is possible.
The question is, are you brave enough to be a maverick?!
My son
When my son gets home from school he jumps straight into the shower. He likes to wash away his school day before enjoying the rest of his afternoon. Once he has showered, he likes to get straight into his Pj’s. This has been his routine for as long as I can remember. When I asked him why he changed into his Pj’s, he responded with, “it makes me feel nice and cosy”. If it makes him happy then I am all for it.
Later in the evening, he takes our dog for a walk around the block. However, he does not change out of his Pj’s.
As a conscious parent, I don’t stand in the way of his decision to walk the dog in his pj’s and this is why…
As a child, my son doesn’t care how people see him dressed. He doesn’t care what people think of him or say about him. He wears his Pj’s because they make him feel comfy and that is it!
If I told my son to change his clothes before walking the dog, I would be passing on my beliefs on how “I feel” he should dress and “my fear” of “what people may say about him”, on to him.
I would be subtly programming his now “free” mind to think differently. Instead of thinking freely. I would be encouraging him to think about people’s perceptions instead of being his true self. Whilst this is just an example about something simple, this mindset will show up in the future as it now does for so many of us.
How many times do we do what others want us to do versus what we want to do?! The way we are today is a direct reflection on how we were raised as children. We are a mirror of our parents beliefs and values not our own beliefs or values.
Whilst everyone has their preferred approach to parenting, as a conscious parent I would rather my son wore his Pj’s outside whilst walking the dog if it meant that he would grow up to be self confident, fearless and unique. I believe that this would be a very small price to pay!
The way in which we are raising our children today will impact their tomorrow. As parents we are the root of their being. Now that we have planted the seed, it is important that we water and nourish the soul to ensure that our children bloom in to beautiful flowers in this garden which we call life!