When you just want to come home to say Daddy’s home!
Baby is here, all the attention is around the little human who has just entered your world.
Is the baby sleeping?
Is the baby eating?
Is the baby feeling cold?
Is the baby too warm? And so on!
Secondary to the baby, is mummy bear.
How much sleep did mum get last night?
Has mummy eaten?
How is mummy feeling?
Hope mother and child are ok. One sec, what about dad?!
Where’s Daddy?
Where does daddy bear come into all this? Ah yes! Dad’s are supposed to be grrrr strong and reliable. Right?!
He’ll be fine, even if he hasn’t slept all night. He will support mother and baby whilst running all the errands, managing the house chores, holding down a full time job and battling his own transition into fatherhood. Right?!
Sorry, I can’t agree with you on this one. 😕
I believe that whether a father has eaten or slept, matters! However, how many of us stop and think about the daddy’s in our life?!
This thought was further reinforced as I was browsing through social media. I noticed that the majority of “parenting” posts focused around the needs of the mother and child, with little emphasis on the needs of the male in the relationship.
I work with male clients and I have witnessed how this unintentional exclusion shows up in their lives. Whilst help and support is available for breastfeeding mums, sleep deprived mums, mums managing toddler tantrums and mums finding a work life balance, very little is on offer for dads!
So who does daddy talk too?! How does he channel his feelings and emotions? Who helps him with his pain points? 🤔
Daddy’s matter?
Furthermore, there are a number of single dads too! There are dads who have tragically lost wives or who have been separated. These dads are living with pain too. Where can they find support? It is for this reason that I feel very passionate about helping both parents, whether you are “mum”, “dad” or “both”!
I truly believe that many divorces could be avoided if both parents were supported from the outset . Problems like obesity, affairs, stress, depression and overall harmony within the home could be prevented. If dads got the same level of attention that mothers get during the parenting journey then there would be harmony within the home.
Of course, there is no blame or fault. It is a simple matter of awareness and consciousness. For sure mothers go through a huge transformation as they enter the world of parenting. I know, I am a mum too!
Women experience everything from hormonal imbalance, physical healing, sleep deprivation, lack of confidence, lack of self care and poor nutrition. However, it is important to be conscious that men also experience some of these changes. Their challenges are not acknowledged and often swept under the carpet which results in greater issues in the future.
If you are reading this post and you are a father, I’m here to let you know that you matter! You are fundamental to the parenting process. If you are looking for a release, then please reach out and talk to someone. Get the help that you need because It is important that your heart feels light so you can enjoy being a father.
Bring back the spring in your step so you can come home to say – “Daddy’s home”!