Parent Coach

The world is changing at an exponential rate

It can be difficult to keep up with the challenges which we face whilst parenting during these times. 

In a world where we are receiving an influx of information on a daily basis, it can be a struggle to understand what is “right” and what is “wrong”. 

As many parents, we are caught in the midst of beliefs and values which were handed down to us from your parents. The collective community are breathing down our neck and telling us how things “should” be done. Social media is projecting images of perfection which we simply can’t attain. Pressure is building up!  

Without awareness, we are falling into the hands of our sabotagers – stress, anxiety, frustration, anger, disappointment, shame and the master of them all, the judge!

These emotions are controlling us to act in ways which promote disconnection and isolation from the ones we love the most. 

Children perceive us as their role models, and start mimicking our behaviour whilst considering what they see as the norm! As the parenting journey unfolds, we become conscious of developments in our child. We start to recognise emotions of  anxiety, fear, stress and worry. Before long, these emotions reflect back an image of a troubled little soul. 

However, it doesn’t have to be that way…

As a mother of two and a professional coach, I have spent years investing in myself.

I have unlocked every emotion and unveiled every negative thought in order to understand who I am and who I want to be. Investing in myself has helped me heal from my past and equipped me with what I need to best support my children. 

“When the glass overflows with emotions, we are unable to take on the emotions of another, if we do, the glass will overflow. As a result, it’s important to seek solutions to empty the glass”!

As a coach, I am passionate about making a difference to your life. I genuinely believe that in healing yourself, you can parent with more compassion, curiosity and positivity. 

I provide a safe space where you can speak freely without feeling judged or validated. I combine my skills of actively listening and powerful questioning, to unlock your deepest emotions and inner potential so you can make self discoveries which promote a shift in mindset. 

You know your family and you know what works for you, I help you to find realistic strategies which fit with your family dynamics.


Parents Empowered

More Than

Differences Made

Upwards Of

Safe Spaces Created

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