Have you ever left for a meeting which is located an hour away but leave 15 minutes before the meeting is due to start? Here you can clearly see that by leaving 15 minutes before the start of a meeting which is situated an hour away, is going to make you late! There is no logic in leaving at that time. You are not going to make it unless you drive like Lewis Hamilton!
This kind of logic and reasoning comes with age. As we develop an understanding of time and distance we are able to make decisions based on logic. However, our young children have not yet developed this understanding. Therefore, if you tell them that you go to work to get a “salary”, they are likely to think that you go to work to get a “celery”. Which you may well do if you work in a supermarket. 😂
My point being, we often forget that our children have not yet developed their logical and critical mind. This development takes place as they learn and grow through us, their teachers and their friends.
This development is fundamental to cultivate logical reasoning skills which will later help them in life.
So why teach kids logical reasoning?
- Our children will one day grow up and flee the nest. They will have to face real problems in the real world. Equipping them with the tools to think logically and critically will enable them to sustain a mindset which will help them at work, in a relationship, making major life decisions and so on.
- It will enable them to think outside of the box with an infinite mindset rather than a fixed one.
- It’s a great way to exercise the brain. Participating in puzzles and brain games will develop their patience and level of concentration. This skill can then be applied to different areas of their life.
How can logic and reasoning be taught?
- Do you recall the time when they kept asking you “why”? When every morning started with a “why” and every night ended with “why”? Now it’s your turn to do the same! When you ask your child “why”? It encourages them to think, it enables them to travel to those places in their mind where events and experiences are stored. Here they can tap in to their logic and reasoning to answer your question.
- Play games which encourage them to think logically and strategically. I always find chess to be a good game! Another option is to work on a puzzle together, you will see how their mind works as they try to piece each part of the jigsaw together.
Let me know what your thoughts are on logic and reasoning. Please leave comments below I would love to hear from you!